Transform your health with Dr. Jeni: Schedule your FREE Functional Medicine Discovery Call!

Elevate your well-being with Dr. Jeni, specializing in Functional Medicine and Chiropractic care. Whether it’s General Health, Weight Loss, Thyroid, Gut, Hormonal, Immune, Adrenal, or Detox, start your journey with Dr. Jeni!

Help… I feel Tired and Fat!

The 2 most common complaints we hear in our clinical practice are… 1) Fatigue / Low Energy… I don’t have the energy I want. This may feel like running out of gas after lunch. Lacking energy to work out even though you know you need to....

4 Ways to Nail an Exercise Program

Hello! Typically, these type of posts come out in January, when everyone is gung-ho about a workout program, but the truth is that exercise is a good idea all ALL times of the year 🙂 Over the years, I have done a lot of thinking about...

The link between Digestion and Mental Health

When you read that title, you might have thought I was making a pretty big leap. What in the world does digestion have to do with things like depression, anxiety and mental health. Quite a bit it turns out. Last week, we discussed...

Are Supplements Regulated by the FDA?

Are Supplements Regulated by the FDA?

You have probably heard that something along the lines of..."Supplements are not regulated by the FDA" and you would be both right and wrong. According to the The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), here is what they do: "FDA regulates both finished dietary supplement...

Don’t make a Resolution… Make a PLAN

It’s that time of year again… New Starts, Goals, Resolutions… But, what is the difference between a Resolution and a PLAN? Statistically, almost everyone makes a resolution, and almost nobody sticks to that resolution! Resolutions tend to...

Out with the Old.. In with the New!

Out with the Old.. In with the New!

As the end of the year approaches, it's a natural time to assess how the year went... What went well, what could be improved upon? I think that the end of the year is a wonderful time for self reflection. Are you where you want to be? What would you need to do...